Well, it’s been a very long time since our last post and I have a couple reasons for that. One is kind of exciting and the other pretty much sucks. Sorry to be so blunt but you will soon understand.
First, mom and I were busy working non-stop on some new patterns for a contest sponsored by the Jelly Roll Quilters. We ended up entering 4 patterns in the Jelly Roll Pattern contest and should find out this month if we were lucky enough to win. Gosh, I hope we do, but you never know what the judges are looking for.
Second, on May 19th, we had a tragic family event. My wonderful step father had a massive stroke. My mom has been absolutely lost without him around. He’s been in the hospital since the night of May 19th. I live in Texas and they live in Missouri. So, when mom called me on May 19th I was distraught that I wasn’t there with her. I left the next morning and drove for 12 hours in non-stop rain. Boy was that fun…NOT.
My heart was broken that night when I saw Gene for the first time. It was such a terrible thing to happen to such a wonderful person. He lost movement on his right side and his speech has been severely affected. He was recently moved to a rehab facility at the hospital and we are praying for miracles. He’s doing better every day but he has a long hard road ahead of him. His speech is slowly coming back but his right side is still pretty weak. The worst part of a stroke is not knowing what the outcome will be. The doctors have no way of telling us how much better he will get. So, we say our prayers every day that God will help him heal.
I stayed in Missouri for 4 weeks which meant our business was on hold. I’m back home in Texas (where it’s a wonderful 110 each day!) and ready to get back to work. Hopefully I can get my head back in the game and start blogging a little more. I do have a ton of ideas for product reviews and tutorials.
I would like to close by saying I wouldn’t wish a stroke on my worst enemy. It’s truly a heart breaking experience!