I know I’m not the only one who hates spending on average $5.00 per 45 mm blade. In fact, I refuse to change my blade until I’m straining my entire upper body to cut through the fabric. Some might say that makes me a tight wad but I would disagree. I want to get every penny out of my blades, especially now when things are tight for all of us. Let’s face it, not many of us are millionaires. I know I’m not. So, imagine my surprise when I found out there’s a place where I can get a pack of 2 replacement blades for $1.99. That’s less than a $1.00 a blade! You can get a 2 pack of 45 mm blades from …Harbor Freight! That’s right…Harbor Freight!
Now don’t panic. I know the package says replacement carpet cutter blade but this blade will fit most rotary cutters. These blades can be found in the carpet cutting section of your local store.
I can say with 100% certainty that they fit the Martelli, Olfa, and Fiskars cutters. I have each of these brands and I personally checked to see if they would fit. And I cut some fabric with each cutter after replacing the blades. I didn’t have any trouble. You can even order them online at Harbor Freight if you don’t have a local store. Just search for item number 97642. They’ll come right up.
Now I know saving a couple bucks won’t appeal to everyone but I thought I would share this little bit of information. I love to save money when I can…especially if it means I’ll have a little extra to spend on fun things like more fabric!
Have you used the blades form Harbor Freight? Drop us a comment and let us know what you think.
Keep an eye on our blog…we’re plotting and planning a Give-A-Way!
Love colors of the Amelia Jelly Roll! I think my new daughter-in-law (I have five sons) would appreciate a “girlie” quilted bag made with the fabric. Great finds on the pens and the blades! I think I’m gonna’ love your site!
Great idea about the inexpensive blades. I go thru blades like crazy. I change my blades out after each quilt. I hate when the blades misses a thread of fabric. It’ll pull the fabric all cockeyed and then I have to straighten it out and usually cut the edge even again. So I think I am going to buy these blades. Thanks for the idea. Right now I’ve been going thru all your posts. I’m having such a good time. I should be quilting but I’m enjoying myself reading your articles.
Oh, my goodness; I HATE buying new blades! Thank you for sharing this; I’ve been wondering if I could sharpen my old ones, but figured someone (me, or possibly a cat) would get injured if I tried it…
I have been using the Harbor Freight blades for a while now. They work fine, but will not stay sharp as long as the higher quality blades. That said, you can replace it 5x as often for the same price!