Easy Strip Pieced Placemats

Here’s a quick and easy pattern I came up with for placemats.  I didn’t want to spend hours making a set of placemats so I decided to try something new.  So, I started playing around with some leftover strips I had from a Berry Bliss Bali Pop by Hoffman Fabrics.  And here’s what happened…

What you will need

Don’t you love my purple cutting mat!  I know I do!

2.5″ strips of fabric at least 19″ long (6 per placemat)
12.5″ x 18″ Fusible Fleece (Cotton Batting would also work)
12.5″ x 18″ fabric for backing
Fabric for binding (I used 2 strips, 2″ x WOF)

Let me start by saying I decided to use the fusible fleece because it’s easy!  I’m all about saving time.  Cotton batting would also work but would require pinning the fabric strips in place.  I HATE pinning so I went for easy and used the fusible fleece!

First, lay the fusible fleece with the fusible side up.  Seems silly to point this out but I have first hand knowledge that this is a VERY important step.  Otherwise, you will have to start over after you have your strips laid out and positioned.  Ask me how I know!

Start laying the strips of fabric on the fleece.  The first strip will line up with the top of the fleece.  Each subsequent strip will overlap the previous strip by 1/2.”  I used the grid on my cutting mat to help me line up my strips. 

The dark strip is strip #1.  Strip #2, the green strip, overlaps strip #1 by 1/2″

Strip #3, the blue strip, overlaps strip #2 by 1/2″

Continue adding strips until all 6 have been placed on top of the fusible fleece.  At this point, nothing is attached.  The strips are simply laying on the fleece. 

All 6 strips placed on the fleece

Iron the strips in place. 

Flip it over and trim off the excess strips on both sides.

My little piles of scraps after trimming
I also trimmed 1/2″ off the last strip I added.  I wanted all my strips to be about the same width and that last one was a little bigger than the rest.
Now it’s time to stitch those strips in place for good.  Topstitch each strip 1/4″ from the edge.
All strips are top stitched now!  Almost done…
Put the placemat face down and lay the backing on top. 
Pin in place
All 4 sides are pinned…this is a close up of one corner
Finally, make your binding, pin it on, and sew, sew, sew…
Almost finished….
I also made one and added a little flower for fun!  I just used steam a seam to adhere the flower and then sewed a button in the center.  I added the flower before I attached the backing.  
Close up…so cute!
Please note…this method leaves raw edges on the strips and flower.  I really like the additional texture it adds to the placemat. 
Let us know what you think!  Leave a comment…you never know what might happen!

2 thoughts on “Easy Strip Pieced Placemats”

  1. I’m wondering if you can put the back on before you sew the strips in place? It seems like you can. Maybe I’m missing something. Great idea. And I love love love the flower and button!!

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