You may have noticed big changes here at our blog. I’ve been learning how to tweak html codes as I recover from my back surgery. I had to have something to keep me busy since I’m not quite ready to start sewing. I’m doing great but my back still tires very easily. I hope you like the new design and layout. Mom and I think it’s a nice refreshing look.
I don’t have any projects to share today since I haven’t been sewing but we did get the new 4th Generation Hoffman Bali Pops in stock last week! I’m so excited I can’t wait to tear into the Key Lime. It’s full of greens and blues and is simply gorgeous! Check out our website Quilting Lodge for more details.
I guess I should have started by saying I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Ours was pretty quiet. We couldn’t go to Missouri because of my surgery so it was just the four of us here. We’ve been fortunate to spend Christmas with our families the previous 4 years and being away from our family in 2011 was particularly hard. I was quickly reminded that we’re a military family and spending Christmas with loved ones is a rare and wonderful thing. But, I did get my Christmas wish…a new back and I’m truly grateful. I must share a picture of our sad little make shift Christmas tree. Don’t judge! We weren’t planning on being here and I did have surgery a week before Christmas. We had to improvise…
I cracked up when I saw that my son actually put ornaments on it! It’s actually quite comical. It’s our version of a Charlie Brown tree. And the best part is we didn’t have any clean up.
The great news is I should be sewing again soon. I can’t wait. I have so many projects swimming around in my head and I can’t wait to share them with you! I would like to say thank you to everyone for being patient while I’m recovering. I know we haven’t been very active on the blog but that will soon change! I’m feeling 100 times better than I was 4 weeks ago!
I think that’s it for now…I hope you enjoy our new look.
ADORE the new look! I just recently figured out how to tweak my blog too and I feel like I’m constantly changing it just to test out what I’ve learned! haha!
Glad to hear your recovery is going well!
I LOVE your tree, even if it was a little guy! 😉
love the new look and glad you are getting better quickly.
Wow Vicki I love your new look! I’m glad to hear you are feeling better and can start quilting soon. I love the new Bali Pops too!
Your blog looks great. Wishing you a speedy return to sewing.
They sell ‘Charlie Brown ‘ trees at walgreens! I love the no clean up! I think I need to adopt this for next year, as I am the one who always gets stuck with the take down! So glad to hear you are doing better! I pray for your quick recovery… so we can see what you have up your sleeve!! LOL
I have been away for a while and just came back! I had no idea that you had surgery. My love, I hope you are doing better!!
And I totally adore the new look!! First impressions are so important and your blog looks updated, modern and beautiful! Let the new followers pour in!
Now I know who to bug for blog design help!