I must say I’m on a roll this month with finishing up quilts. I have actually put binding on 4 quilts this month. Mr. Fugly was the last one on my list and I got him finished on Sunday! WooHoo!
Now it’s time to quilt more tops. However, I think I’ve decided it would be easier to bind them as I go. Throwing them to the side to avoid binding didn’t work out so well. It just made me hate binding even more since I had so many to do. I figured I might as well finish all of them and stop putting it off.
I had to use a solid brown for the binding. This is one of the quilts that I neglected to keep fabric for binding. So, I had to improvise.
I’m pretty happy with the quilting. I don’t really know what you would call what I did. I just made it up as I went. Not to bad for the first time doing those pointy things. And I must say I love the variegated thread. King Tut rocks!
I did machine stitch the binding down. I’m just a tad bit lazy and I wasn’t sure what I’m doing with this one so I decided to machine stitch it. I really don’t mind machine stitched binding.
Tomorrow will be yet another day of trying to figure out something to make for the Dare to Dresden Blog Hop…my day is Monday and so far I’ve got nothing! Yep…nothing. That can’t be good. I’m starting to stress. I guess it’s a good thing I work well under pressure. Wish me luck. I think I need it.
Mr Fugly is so handsome! Nice quilting … 🙂 Pat
Look at your new pin cushion for inspiration.
Oh my how beautiful! I love the quilting also. Maybe some day I will get inspired and get some of the quilt patterns I have stuffed in my filing cabinet done. 🙂
4 quilt bindings in a month? You seriously deserve an award (or an ice cream) for that accomplishment. I’ve found I don’t mind machine binding if the binding and border are dark but if they are light then I guess my lack of machine binding skills are a little more obvious. Great job!
I think you should change the name of this quilt. Really it is not ugly! What is your trick for machine binding? May I ask does the stitching on the other side land right on the binding too? I can’t figure out how to make the stitching land nicely on both sides.
It is another favorite of mine. I like these colors and the fabric is pretty. I like the binding too, it matches well with the other colors. Yes, this one is a keeper.
Beautiful quilting quilting and I also machine sew my binding….I’d never get anything done if I didn’t.
You are so talented! Your quilt is breathtaking, and your fabrics are beautiful.