I decided awhile back to join my first QAL {Quilt Along} and I thought I would share my progress. If you haven’t checked out the Sew Intertwined QAL that’s being hosted by Melissa of SewBitterSweet Designs and Jenna of SewHappyGeek, you should!
Let me start by saying it took me longer to decide on fabric than it did for me to make all these blocks. I just couldn’t decide if I wanted to use prints or batiks. As you can see, the batiks won. I ended up using one of my all time favorite batiks from Hoffman fabrics. It’s the one in the center of the Dresden Fan. I just love it!
This Dresden Fan block will be the center of the quilt.
I used a straight stitch around the outside edge of each of the Dresden Fan blades.
I decided to kick it up a notch and use a fancy stitch around the center of my Dresden Fan. I almost used this stitch around the outside too but I just couldn’t commit to it. I wasn’t sure I could pull it off with all the points. So, I chickened out and just did the straight stitch.
The outside blocks were very quick and easy to put together.
I really like how they turned out. I also used my favorite fabric {center of the Dresden Fan} for the HSTs and the four patches. Maybe I used it too much but I don’t think so. The beauty of this particular fabric is the variation in color. Sometimes it’s pink. Sometimes it’s blue. Sometimes it’s green. It just depends on where it’s cut. You get the idea.
I think I have 10 more blocks to make then I can put it all together. Then I will have another quilt top that needs to be quilted. I’m going to have to cut myself off from making anything new until I get busy quilting. Does anyone else have that problem???
Make sure to check out the Sew Intertwined QAL…you will have lots of fun!
You have 12 more blocks to go! But who’s counting 🙂 I absolutely love your batiks – so bright and beautiful!
The blocks look beautiful. Great fabrics!
Great colors. I think the straight stitch around the outside looks better there. Can’t wait to see it finished. I have a whole box of finished quilt tops that need quilted, and I just keep making more.
Your Dresden looks so good – love those batiks!!
Very Beautiful, Vicki!The colors are amazing.
Looks beautiful Vicki and of course……I love the batiks!
I love your Dresden