I don’t know about anyone else but I’m always getting asked by family members to fix things. Sometimes it’s clothes, sometimes it’s quilts and sometimes my dad tries to sneak in a sock or two. I usually try to help if I can even though it’s not my favorite. I’m a quilter…I love to make quilts. Clothes…not so much.
I have a little story to tell about a project my step sister has for mom and I. I was scared as soon as she called me and said “I have a little project for you.” She showed up at the house with a quilt in hand. I was relieved to see a quilt and not clothing.
Has she lost her mind? She wants us to slap some fabric over these holes and just fix it! Say WHAT?? Just fix it?? Did I hear that right?
Now I’m sure you can all imagine how we reacted when we saw the quilt. We laughed hysterically and told her there’s no way to fix this bad boy. It’s time to let it go and find a new favorite quilt. She kept whispering, “I think you could fix. It’s not that bad. I know you could do it.”
Bless her heart she has no quilting or sewing experience so she really doesn’t get how much of a lost cause this is. So, we showed it to Mary and guess what? Mary laughed hysterically too. See, it’s not just us. It really can’t be fixed. It’s time to let it go.
My grandmother came over tonight and we showed it to her. She laughed hysterically and said “What? Fix this?” It’s time to let it go…
As much as I love her I’m not fixing this pitiful quilt. I told her I would make her a new one instead. She can have a new favorite quilt to love. Hopefully the new one won’t die a slow painful death like this one. But if it does…I’m not fixing it either!
LOL! I have come to the sincere conclusion that 1. non quilters don’t “get it” and 2. (Maybe more important than #1) It just proves how much faith people have in our abilities! My husband recently told a friend that I could cover the fabric she didn’t like in a quilt (made in China)she bought on line. LOL, didn’t happen. Had her return it and made her one to her liking 🙂 have fun with it!!
I laughed hysterically while reading this and I’m only seeing it in pictures. She does seem really attached to it but if I was her I would definitely take you up on the offer of making a new one.
So…I have the same problem, except it is a 10 year old who wants me to fix the baby blanket I made for her. Mind you it doesn’t even cover half of her anymore. I am going to try and get her replacement quilt finished before her birthday…I don’t want to fix holes!
You’re right. It is not fixable. However, I have a friend who made me a teddy bear out of an old quilt. My children loved it when they were small. This could be the solution if she could get someone to make it for her. There is always a cushion as an alternative. Don’t know if you want to suggest it.
This was certainly a well loved quilt…it is almost nice to see a quilt wear out because it was well used! Can’t wait to see the new one!
I think it is time this one became the ‘batting’ for a new quilt! (My grandmother used to do that!) I gues this is the thrifty in me! LOL
Such a short word and so hard to say! It really is funny when non-sewers say, “Can you…” and you say no. They are shocked! But sometimes that’s the right answer.
Good for you! This would be a nightmare to fix and would prob take longer to fix than to just make a new one. I like the “make a cushion” out of the useable parts suggestion above, that way she can have a part of the quilt to remember.
Some of this might be salvagable for a doll quilt? Annabellouise suggested a teddy bear. I do this sort of thing..just saying.
I’ve had my family bring things like that to me too. All you can do is laugh lol. Maybe if there are any good spots you can make a few things for her. Pillow, tote bag, stuffed animal, Christmas stocking, or if there is a large section that is still good you might be able to make a small table topper or runner.
My Husband brought home an entertainment center that was on the side of the road. Inside one of the cabinets was a beautiful hand sewn quilt. My Daughter used it for a couple years until it started to fall apart pretty bad. She didn’t like the idea of throwing it out so I ended up adding some borders right on top of the existing ones and then adding an entire new backing right on top of the old one. She loved the weight and feel of the old quilt and she ended up being very happy with her redo quilt.
Wow, that quilt is pretty worn through! If you can find a good spot, maybe you can cut out a piece to use as a square in the new quilt (even if added as a patch on the back) so she has something to remember it.
Wow, that quilt is pretty worn through! If you can find a good spot, maybe you can cut out a piece to use as a square in the new quilt (even if added as a patch on the back) so she has something to remember it.
Vicki, this story cracked me up when I saw it in my inbox! It reminded me that when my 3 kids were in Junior High, I had a yard-saling friend hunt up used sewing machines for each of them — and they were “empowered” to do their own mending….My standard answer to any mending requests, or requests to make clothing (EEEK!) is to respond that I only know how to sew absolutely FLAT items. Works every time — but it would not have helped you all with that quilt!
I have exactly this same problem…but I don’t want to let the quilt go because it was my mother’s grandmother’s quilt. So, I stashed it away, but Mom remembered and asked me about it a couple months ago. Maybe I should just give it back to her!
I think this quilt has seen better days. Is there enough of it that is in good shape that you could make it into a small lap quilt? Or I remember when people used to take old quilts like this and make teddy bears out of them. I have lots of family always asking me to put zippers in coats and stuff……..yuck! Thanks for sharing Vicki!
Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday
omg my heart nearly stopped at the first “holy” picture! Some of the things that my mother bring can stir up the belly juices for sure but that quilt would have me running to find a hiding spot in the closet lol 😉
I’m of the midset as some others here. Can it be made into couch pillow covers or re-purposed in some other way? While I’m totally feeling you on the let it go, sometimes we can’t fully let go of certain things no matter how bleak the outlook. Thanks for sharing that one!
Aw, don’t laugh at me too but anyway to cut it up and make a new or smaller quilt? Or is it just too far gone?
I have one just like it, it is known as the out of town quilt…..it is the only quilt that gets put on our bed when we go out of town. The reasoning is because the dogs who are NOT allowed on the bed ( 4 big ol labs) play on the bed and play tug-o-war with the quilt corners when we are out of town and the DD lets them in at night time. So there are a few quilts that have holes in them, but one so gone, that we put that one on the bed now every time we leave. Eventually I will cut off all the edges and make it smaller to use as a sofa quilt instead of king size.