Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? I had one of those days yesterday. Everything I tried to do turned into a disaster. I finally had the chance to load a quilt and use my long arm and Roscoe {my Gammill} wanted nothing to do with that. He was not very cooperative with me. My lovely daughter said it’s because he feels abandoned! {She’s a funny girl}
I never have problems with the top thread breaking but yesterday was a different story. I tried changing my needle, slowing my speed, and so on. Nothing worked. As if the thread problems weren’t bad enough, I kept forgetting to use my channel lock. That was a huge problem when I was trying to sew straight lines. I finally had to just walk away from the machine before someone got hurt. I did manage to get a little over half of my quilt quilted. I’m not sure how. Here’s a sneak peek of what I was working on…
I just love how this little quilt turned out. I can’t wait to get it finished…hopefully tomorrow.
Don’t you just hate it when you have one of those days when your machine is possessed and out to get you? I know I do!
My Pfaff, after not acting up for 2 weeks is giving me thread fits today. I feel your pain! 🙂
Oh Vicki, I feel for you! Are you sure there isn’t a tiny piece of thread caught in your bobbin case? Maybe tomorrow Roscoe will be done pouting and ready to quilt! Your sneak peek is beautiful!